Finally selling stuff!

I had my ~*grand first apperanace*~ last Saturday at Chibicon! I didn't sell so much, probably because it was not so big of a happening, but the lovely girl next to me (whose products were btw much prettier and CHEAPER TOO) cheered me by telling that she's been to so many cons and it's not usual to sell so little for her too, so I shouldn't give up. I was too shy to even ask for her name but I would really have liked to discuss techniques and what not with her... But I got her visiting card! You can check her awesome stuff here! ^_^)


Anyway it was a good experience and I think I'll head to a bigger con next time. Annndd Askar is sitting next to me playing and reading this as I write and complaining that I didn't mention that he was there with me so YES ASKAR IS A BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD AND IT'S SO NICE THAT HE WAS THERE TO KEEP ME COMPANY FOR ALMOST THE WHOLE TIME. And I'll take him next time too, to carry my bags. He's good at carrying bags.


Later I'll upload more detailed photos and info (in case some mystical secret reader of my blog would like to order something ~__~) but now I can't because I left my jewelry at mom's, because she wanted to show them off to her friends at work :D she's my number one fan for sure. I was thinking about opening an online shop, but I think I'll get some more face-to-face selling experience first... I'm thinking about reserving a table to the Christmas market, but they're kinda expencive :S maybe my number one fan would like to show her support and fund my project... ^__^''




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