Shopping is the best remedy

My honeyboo is in Kazakstan still (he left in last month and is going to retun after 10 days) so I have been trying to distract myself with shopping! My wallet weeps but my closet is finally starting to look like I've wanted it to (●´∀`●)

That's about it, I guess. I don't have much inspiration to do anything, not even my clay work, without my boy around. :( Oh, I got accepted to study btw! Meaning I will be moving to a new city next month. So exciting, can't wait to get to decorate my new apartment  ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ I think I'll take a small flat with a reasonable rent for now, since pretty much all the apartments have been rented already and I don't have so much to choose from, but I think after a year when schools finishes and there's more free flats again, I'll find a better one :> hoping Askar will move with me! >__<


This little fella had fallen from its nest to mom's water decoration thingy, where it was sitting on a fake leaf of a water lily when mom found him. We checked the nest, but there was no one there, so we took him and fed him :) first he was scared, trying to escape, but once he figured that being held meant food, he didn't want to be left alone at all >.< we named him Tiuku. He really ate a lot! Unfortunately he died the following night, I guess he was suffering from a schock or he got hurt when he fell (; ̄д ̄) but I'm convincing myself that his last day was a good one.


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